Di Pasquale Giampaolo

Via Bruno Buozzi, 12

93013 Mazzarino (CL)


P.IVA 02051310858


Codice Univoco X2PH38J

Website created with the contribution of FEARS-PSR Sicily 2014/2020 resources

Submeasure 4.1 -

Support for investments in agricultural companies support application number 54250525679 CUP MASTER G56D19000310009 CUP G56D19000320007,

publication date of the announcement 05/29/2017

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etichette farine
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By Pasquale Giampaolo

Made with SenatoreCappelli flour

2023-09-27 19:49

Di Pasquale

products, Wheat Senator hats, Senatore Cappelli flour,

Made with SenatoreCappelli flour

Senatore Cappelli flour is a variety of wholemeal durum #ranoAntico, with low gluten content


“Made with #SenatoreCappelli flour ”. Now this phrase is read more and more often: but what is Senatore Cappelli?

Not everyone knows it but it is a variety of #wholemeal hard #AncientWheat , with low #Gluten content , widely used until the mid-1900s, then almost forgotten. Today rediscovered, it returns with all its organoleptic characteristics, unique and precious!

Why do we recommend this flour of ours?
Mainly because it comes from Sicilian #OrganicAgriculture ;
It's healthy;
Ground with stone mill;
It promotes the protection of biodiversity;
Especially because it's Good;